


Snapshot 832


The R.A.A.V.E.N skill is designed to provide the narrative you need to re-educate the part of your personality that is activated by the schema. This part is probably just trying to survive the situation that it sees as being dangerous. Parts are usually activated with a purpose in mind, and at the time of their creation, every part of your personality had a job to do. It is usually the case that the Emotional Child parts of your personality, are stuck in a time when their job was needed, and they don’t realize that they no longer need to do the thing they do, as that was then, and this is now. Following the steps of R.A.A.V.E.N, and completing the worksheet associated with it, will provide you with the narrative to use in your mindfulness practice, to re-educate the parts of your personality and bring them into the here and now.

 "It is usually the case that the Emotional Child parts of your personality, are stuck in a time when their job was needed"


~Steven Morris RP

When practiced on a regular basis, this new narrative will allow the part to let go of its desire to protect your vulnerable child with such all or nothing purpose, creating the possibility for you to finally Live the Life you Want to Live, and step into the new world you have created. Take some time to read through the steps listed below, then try to incorporate them into your daily mindful action plan. This will be difficult to do at first, but like anything worth doing, with practice it will become easier to do. Over time, you will begin to experience the benefits of this exercise, in particular when it comes to the area of unconditional self-acceptance.

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